Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hot Summer Days

We are 34 weeks now. The doctor appointments are coming more often. We had one this past Monday and it went well. My blood pressure was high again (high for me, mine is usually low) and I've gained 5 pounds in two weeks but other than that everything was fine. I'm going to try exercising every day instead of just 5 days a week to see if that helps with the weight gain (I'm really only supposed to be putting on a pound a week). And I think my blood pressure was high because I had a lot of salty foods over the weekend, it was hot, and I mostly sat around. So I will be working on lowering that, as well. We have another appointment this coming Tuesday. We'll let you know how that one goes next week!

We have a picture to post this week. It's quite a comparison with some of those earlier pictures! Only a little more than a month to go!

"Week 34: Your baby could be as tall as 20 inches right now and weighs about 5 pounds. Got male (a male baby, that is)? If you do, then this is the week that his testicles are making their way down from his abdomen to their final destination: his scrotum. (About 3 to 4 percent of boys are born with undescended testicles, which is nothing to worry about; they usually make the trip down south before the first birthday.) And in other baby-related news, those tiny little fingernails have probably reached the tip of his or her fingers by this week, so make sure you have baby nail clippers on your shopping list!" -What to Expect

And we do have nail clippers now! My aunts and Gramma brought gifts from our Alabama side of the family and took us shopping for stuff on the registry so we were able to get a lot more of the things we need for Baby Bear. It was great! He is one blessed little boy. :) Tomorrow we are headed out to Caldwell to see Chris' side of the family. They are having a BBQ for some Czech Seminarians that are here for a visit so that will be fun. Hopefully it's not too hot!

Well, we hope that everyone is enjoying their summer and staying as cool as possible. God bless you!

Month 8 versus Month 5

1 comment:

Jana & Widmar said...

Dont stress about the weight gain girl! :) At the end you'll gain more any way because of water retention. You'll lose it especially if you are working out 5 days a week. Healthy baby is more important :) hope all is going well and you still look so cute with your baby belly ;)