Friday, March 5, 2010

We Love Daddy!

I've been meaning to post a blog dedicated to Chris and Benjamin and all the fun they have together. So here it is!

Now that the weather is so nice outside Benjamin and I will go sit on the porch and wait for Daddy to get home. Bear loves to sit out there, especially when the breeze is blowing through his hair and making the bushes and trees move. When Chris pulls into our parking space Benjamin is at first focused on the car because objects that move are just fascinating. When Chris gets out and starts walking towards us Bear's face will light up and he'll start making all kinds of noise and flapping his arms to show his excitement. Chris will proceed to do all sorts of silly things to make him laugh, giggle, chuckle, and squeal. Silly boys. :)

1 comment:

momma-T said...

Love it and them and you! Thanks for sharing the pics. Hope to see you all soon!